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Carlos Nogueira
On 5/9/2019 下午3:28

"system" if too vague. Hope this options suit your needs, using Genio:

1: GLOBAL: You can use content search globally using "Search in definitions" option:

This will give you the information where in your project the text you search is located.

2 - MANUAL CODE: There is another option, limited to manual code, that will allow to search for manual text in your projects, editing is also available here:

3 - MENUs: Menus also have an option to search text within its hierarchic structure:

4 - LISTS: Within Lists, there's the option to search for text in a specific column (and in all the columns on web solutions generated by Genio).

Use the wildcard '%' to refer multiple unknown characters in the text you're looking for:

Edit (after information given on the comments):

If you want to enable full-text search on the final application (in order to the text to be searched within records and documents), you need to configure several things:

Define the text search: Fields that will be indexed and fields that will be used as filters:

Create the search menu (with full text-search) and then link it to the search definition:

Activate textual search option for your clients:

On settings of the client form, there's an option "Document search?", when enabled files and records will be available for full-text search:

SolR is used to gather the information on the text-search available cores:

On the solution, configuration file (configuracoes.xml) should link to the Solr Cores:


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Thank you for your answer, but I want to use it on the system I'm developing. I want to be able to search on the documents and texts using a search engine.

Beatriz Bagoin Guimarães
on 5/9/2019 下午3:38

Hi, Please check if edit answer solves your question.

Carlos Nogueira
on 5/9/2019 下午4:09

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Asked: 20/8/2019 下午12:15
Seen: 1821 times
Last updated: 3/10/2019 上午11:54