Genio VM Win7 install procedure


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6. 6 Genio Dev VM install guide For portability choose the VHD, for speed use the default choice for the VBox format (VDI) . Make sure you leave the disk dynamically allocated.

7. 7 Genio Dev VM install guide For a minimal working installation using all the software listed in this guide we recommend a minimum of at least 50Gb disk size . Confirm the size of the disk and your empty machine base should be ready. You will need a ISO image of the windows install disk so make sure you have it available before your proceed.

10. 10 Genio Dev VM install guide Accept the license terms . Choose to install a new copy of windows (Custom option) .

15. 15 Genio Dev VM install guide Activate the SQL Server Browser if you plan to access this database server remotely. Otherwise , and for this standalone box we wi ll leave it disabled as default . In the collation tab please change the server default collation to SQL_Latin1_General_CI_AI. This should avoid incoherent collation problems in the future.

16. 16 Genio Dev VM install guide Move to the next step where you should change the sql authentication mode to SQL mixed mode and set your « sa » password as you like (but do remember it) . Note : We will create the applicational use r later after SQL is installed. You may wish to enable FILESTREAM now if you plan to use that feature. Genio itself does not require it. M ove to the next step , unless you wish to customize your default data directories. The next screens will only need default settings, so leave them as they are. You should now reach the last step of the installer and wait while all the files are being installed to your computer.

18. 18 Genio Dev VM install guide Press OK to save this setting , then back on the object b rowser , go to Security > Logins: Right click and choose to create a new login named QUIDGEST with SQL server authentication and password ZPH2LAB. All caps. You will have to deactivate security policy enforcement for this user.

19. 19 Genio Dev VM install guide This user is the default for every development Application in Genio. In production environments do not forget to use the dynamic configuration settings for the application user. Next select the Server Roles page and set permissions to dbcreator, public and sysadmin: Save the new user with OK. You should now have your SQL Server instance properly configured.

24. 24 Genio Dev VM install guide This process will take a while since this is a web installer. You should now have your Visual Studio properly installed and able to compile Genio generated projects.

29. 29 Genio Dev VM install guide This process will take a while since this is a web installer. You should now have your Visual Studio properly installed and able to compile Genio generated projects.

33. 33 Genio Dev VM install guide Set your SQL Server name address where Ge nio will create its projects. For this article will be W IN 7G ENIO V M \ SQLEXPRESS . It will also be necessary to put the login information (usern ame and password) in communication with the SQL Server, as used in the installation step or with a user subsequently created containing the necessary privileges to create new databases and make schema change to the same databases. These fields are mandat ory and will be used in the future as a default field for the password of new application customers developed by Genio. Also in the next step you have to set you r project folder. It must not be the same as the G enio installation but can be next to it like in this example. And finally download and open your license file. If you do not set it now you can always add it later to Genio , but place it right next to Genio executable.

35. 35 Genio Dev VM install guide Genio will create a placeholder workspace since its environment is single workspace based. After you create your first project you may delete this database. You may take the tour to know the basics of working with genio or skip it if you wish.

37. 37 Genio Dev VM install guide A default user will be created , usually to current logged user . Your project has been initialized. You ca n confirm this by going to the G enio menu in Definitions > Databases > Tables . You should see these 2 tables. They are present in every Genio application and represent the user action logging and the user password table.

1. Genio Dev VM installation guide Setting up a Genio Virtual Machine for development environment

11. 11 Genio Dev VM install guide Choose your drive and the install processing should start . Wait for the install to finish .

22. 22 Genio Dev VM install guide Since at this step you should alre ady installed a prior version of SQL Server so deselect the SQL Server 2005. Although your Visual Studio 2008 is complete, before you can compile correctly the Genio generated projects , you’ll need to install the Service Pack 1 update described in the next page .

27. 27 Genio Dev VM install guide Although your Visual Studio 2010 is complete, before you can compile correctly the Genio generated projects you’ll need to install the Service Pack 1 update described in the next page .

39. 39 Genio Dev VM install guide If you got this error message, please open gengen io.ini file found in the <genio directory> \ GEN \ GenGenio.ini and check the “SERVER” line, you should have something like: SERVER = < computer name> \ SQLEXPRESS in our case it would be: SERVER = Win7GenioVm \ SQLEXPRESS.

36. 36 Genio Dev VM install guide 10.3. Creating a new Genio Project When creating a new project the first step is the define the location a project symbol (3 letters name for identifying the system) A new database for your project will be created and a directory under the projects folder will be added . Depending on your configuration (SQL Native Client version), y ou might get this error, in any case you may disregard this error.

40. 40 Genio Dev VM install guide 11.3. Fixing bad installations of SQL Native client In some installations the SQL native client installation may fail, leading to a random and incoherent behavior from the Genio application. In case you encounter this, please go to add/remove programs and find the currently installed SQL Server Native Client. Uninstall it. It will warn that many programs will stop functioning but we plan to reinstall it again. Download the correct drivers from: - us/download/details.aspx?id=11988 Click download a nd choose « sqlncli_x64.msi » file. Or, go to the Quidgest setup directory in: Setup \ BIN \ SQLNative \ 2008 \ sqlnclix64 Note: In this example it was used the one from the Quidgest setup.

8. 8 Genio Dev VM install guide When you try to start your machine it will ask you for the install disk , so choose ‘virtual optical disk’ and select your operating system ISO image. This should start the norma l operating system install procedure. If the virtual machine doesn’t restart automatically , the n you should manually reboot (Machine - >Reset) the virtual machine after setting up the ISO.

5. 5 Genio Dev VM install guide 2.2. Create a new virtual machine Make sure you select the correct version of the operating system. You can change it later but you will have less trouble if this is correct from the beginning. Setup a reasonable amount of memory, at least 2Gb (2048MB) . Next you should choose “Create a virtual hard drive now”

21. 21 Genio Dev VM install guide 5.2. Installation options Accept the agreement . You could choose the “Full” installation option, although it will install some unnecessary components such as Sql Server 2005 Express. For that reason we advise to choose a “custom” installation.

34. 34 Genio Dev VM install guide Create your shortcuts as you see fit. And wait while Genio installs. You should now be able to run Genio. 10.2. Running Genio When running Genio for the first time, you’ll get the following messages.

13. 13 Genio Dev VM install guide 4. SQL Server Express 2008 R2 4.1. Installation Go to the download start page: - us/download/details.aspx?id=30438 Choose the download corresponding to: Express with Advanced Services (SQLEXPRADV) . Run the downloaded setup . Choose a new standalone installation . If updates are found during install then accept them too . Setup should now be preparing for configuration. Wait for it to finish.

23. 23 Genio Dev VM install guide 6. Visual Studio 2008 SP1 6.1. Installation Go to the download start page: - us/download/details.aspx?id=10986 Click the download link button . Run the downloaded setup file . Accept the agreement .

28. 28 Genio Dev VM install guide 8. Visual Studio 2010 SP1 8.1. Installation Go to the download start page: - us/download/details.aspx?id=23691 Click the download link button . Run the downloaded setup file . Accept the agreement .

4. 4 Genio Dev VM install guide 2. Virtual Box For the purposes of this article we will be using VirtualB ox virtualization software . Other VM hosts can be used although they will have different procedures for configuring your environment. The virtual box was installed over Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. 2.1. Initial Setup Download the latest Oracle Virtual box setup from Run the Setup . Accept the driver install requests . Virtual box will disrupt your network for a few minutes, this is normal . If the installation hangs , disconnect your network cable, install, then reconnect .

9. 9 Genio Dev VM install guide 3. O perating system 3.1. Installation Choose your base settings and install .

12. 12 Genio Dev VM install guide 3.2. Configuration Name your computer and note down the name, also your password . Although i t’s not required that either SQL server or Visual Studio is installed along with Genio , t his procedure assumes this will be a standalone box. In any case, it is common to install this software packages in developer machines so the developer can test applications isolated . Please make sure you have the most recent windows updates . Restart now if the system asks you to. To improve your virtual experience also check that Virtual box guest additions are installed by going to: ‘Devices > Install Guest Additions...’ in the virtual box window.

14. 14 Genio Dev VM install guide 4.2. Installation Options Default features are enough. Choose a named instance. Please not e the S ql S erver name will be the instance as “<computer name> \ SQLEXPRESS ” , in our case Win7GenioVm \ SQLEXPRESS .

26. 26 Genio Dev VM install guide 7.2. Installation options You could choose the “Full” installation option, although it will install some unnecessary components that would take additional space and configuration such as Sharepoint. For that reason we advise to choose a “custom” installation.

20. 20 Genio Dev VM install guide 5. Visual Studio 2008 5.1. Installation Run setup.exe installation file in the Visual Studio installation disk. (Note, you cannot use Visual Studio Express Edition to compile C++ Genio generated projects due to the lack of MFC support ) Simply select “Install Visual Studio 2008 to begin the installation process. The other options are merely optional and will be available upon Visual Studio installation .

25. 25 Genio Dev VM install guide 7. Visual Studio 2010 7.1. Installation Run setup.exe installation file in the Visual Studio installation disk. (Note, you cannot use Visual Studio Express Edition to compile C++ Genio generated projects due to the lack of MFC support.) Simply select “Install Visual Studio 2008 to begin the installation process. The other option are merely optional and will be available upon Visual Studio installation . Accept the agreement .

32. 32 Genio Dev VM install guide 10. Genio 10.1. In stallation For the purpose of this article we will be using Genio250.94 . Download the Genio Setup. You should be able to find the most recent version in the Genio page of the Qpartner site. Choose your installer language Accept the agreement . The requirements checker should run. It will warn of missing components and you can read the provided advice if you click each one. ( note: Although it warns about Visual Studio 2012, we will be using 2010 version , since the 2012 version isn’t yet fully working with C++ projects. Here it is missing the .net4.0 also, we will need it later for the generator to work.) Choose your destination folder for the Genio installation.

31. 31 Genio Dev VM install guide Move to the next step and choose a ppropriate directories for the logs and base directory for Quidgest apps. Here I ch o se to create a directory “ Quidgest ” at the root and “ install_log ” subdirectory for the logs. Next step should show you the list of setups and drivers the bundle will install. It may find already installed components. This is normal. Confirm and wait for the setup to complete. Note: Sometimes the success message box will be minimized behind the progress bar. Use the task bar to bring it to focus and click ok.

17. 17 Genio Dev VM install guide 4.3. First run and final configurations SQL server should now be installed together with SQL server management studio. Search for this application and run it to test the installation and to make some final configurations. Login to the database with sa or you r own user. After the connection is established, right click the Server in the object explorer and the n go to ‘properties’. Go to the memory tab . For a developer box maximum memory should be set to about 500Mb initially and only increase that from there, otherwise the server will over time acquire all system memory and slow down your system.

30. 30 Genio Dev VM install guide 9. Quidgest Setup bundle 9.1. Installation For the purpose of this article we ar e installing setup version 2.0.1 Download and unzip your setup. You should be able to find the most recent version in the page “ downloads ” of the Qpartner site. Run the Launcher (it should bootstrap .net framework in case you need it) . Accept the license condition, move to the next step and choose the advance installation option . Although we are using SQL Server 2008 R2, we will use the default SQL Server Native client, since it seems to exist an imparity with the SQL Server and the SQL Native client.

38. 38 Genio Dev VM install guide 11. T roubleshooting 11.1. Resetting Genio to a clean state after bad install In case you already are trying to use Genio and have found out that your install is unstable, then after correcting you can reset G enio to its initial state. In the G enio projects directory delete every subdirectory . In the sql database , remove any database that starts with GEN . In the gengenio.ini file found in the <genio directory> \ GEN \ GenGenio.ini edit the file and remove the line that corresponds to DIV=xxx. This will t ell G enio you have no project selected. 11.2. Erroneous install behavior These are 2 examples of things that indicate the install process is not stable yet. These errors should not appear in a correct environment. Usually this last error is related with the Sql Native Client, which is described in the 11.3 .

3. 3 Genio Dev VM install guide 1. Introduction This manual details the step by step procedure of setting up a new Genio developer virtual machine environment on VirtualBox virtualization program . Th is guid e covers the installation a basic configuration of the following software technolog ies :  Virtual Box 4.2.16  Windows 7 Enterprise SP1  Sql Server 2008 Express R2 SP2  Visual Studio 2008 SP1  Visual Studio 2010 SP1  Quidgest Setup 1.2.3  Genio 250.94 Although this guide covers the installation on a virtual machine, t he installation procedure for a physical machine is the same . It that case you should just skip the virtual machine related installations. The virtual machine in this guide serves as a way to assure there aren’t any conflicting software or configuration from a regular developer workst ation where usually a lot of software is already installed. Disclaimer Users must be aware that updates , improvements and corrections will be made from time to time to the Manua l .

2. 2 Genio Dev VM install guide Table of Contents 1. Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 3 2. Virtual Box ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 4 2.1. Initial Setup ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 4 2.2. Create a new virtual machine ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 5 3. Operating system ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 9 3.1. Installation ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 9 3.2. Configuration ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 12 4. SQL Server Express 2008 R2 ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 13 4.1. Installation ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 13 4.2. Installation Options ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 14 4.3. First run and final c onfigurations ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 17 5. Visual Studio 2008 ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 20 5.1. Installation ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 20 5.2. Installation options ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 21 6. Visual Studio 2008 SP1 ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 23 6.1. Installation ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 23 7. Visual Studio 2010 ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 25 7.1. Installation ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 25 7.2. Installation options ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 26 8. Visual Studio 2010 SP1 ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 28 8.1. Installation ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 28 9. Quidgest Setup bundle ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 30 9.1. Installation ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 30 10. Genio ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 32 10.1. Installation ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 32 10.2. Running Genio ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 34 10.3. Creating a new Genio Project ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 3 6 11. Troubleshooting ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 38 11.1. Resetting Genio to a clean state after bad install ................................ ................................ .... 38 11.2. Erroneous install behavior ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 38 11.3. Fixing bad installations of SQL Native client ................................ ................................ ............. 40


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