GENIO Installation Manual


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28. Contact for information support.genio@ quidgest .com

11. 8 GENIO Installation Manual 4.2.3 Installation Mode To proceed, you will need to select an installation mode. Select "Typical".

7. 4 GENIO Installation Manual 1.2.2 Internet Information Services (IIS) The component s should be installed by going to “ Server Manager > Add roles and features ” and making the selec tions shown in the image s below.

25. 22 GENIO Installation Manual 6.2 D BMS Access Configuration and P rivileges GENIO is based on structured data recording using Microsoft SQL server and requires you to enter details for a SQL server instance set to “Mixed Mode” and a user with privileges for database creation, schema

1. 1 Manual de administração de Gestão Integrada de Informação INSTALLATION MANUAL Quidgest - GENIO MANUAL DE INSTALAÇÃO Quidgest - GENIO

19. 16 GENIO Installation Manual The n selec t the SQL Server instance and choos e Restart . Figur e 9 – SQL Server Services

5. 2 GENIO Installation Manual 1.1.2 Internet Information Services (IIS) The component s should be installed by going to “Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off” and making the selec tions shown in the image s below.

6. 3 GENIO Installation Manual 1.2 Windows Server 1.2.1 . NET 3.5 , 4.5 and 4. 8 The component s should be installed by going to “ Server Manager > Add roles and features ” and making the selec tions shown in the image s below.

22. 19 GENIO Installation Manual I n the Log On tab c lick s tar t . Figura 13 – Service properties tab Step 3 To confirm that the process is running correctly, go to the Reporting Services Configuration Manager (example path: Start menu > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (or designation of another version) > Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration Manage r). Then select “Report Manager URL” and click the URL. Figur e 14 – Reporting Services Configuration Manager > Report Manager URL

13. 10 GENIO Installation Manual − Based on our previous selection we will be given a detailed listing of the components that will be installed on our server. In order to start the installation process click “Install” . 4.2.6 Setup Com plete! After installation the following screen can be closed by clicking on “Close” .

14. 11 GENIO Installation Manual 5 SQL Server 5.1 Initial setup 5.1.1 Installation Install vers ion 2008 R2 or later . W hen installing SQL Server , select the options shown in the image below . Figur e 1 – Components to instal l Selecionar todos

27. 24 GENIO Installation Manual 7 Internet Information Service (IIS) In order to start serving applications you will need to create an application in IIS for applications to forward requests t o . Open IIS and right - click on “<server name> > Sites > Default Web Site” and select “Add Application”. In the screen that appears set the application name (in this example it is “SINGAP”), select “.NET v4.5” for “Application pool”, and set the address of the application to be added. This process should be done for each module provided by Quidgest, giving a different "Alias" for each one. For better management of multiple modules you can choose to create a s tandalone application pool for each application added by setting “Application Pool” to “ .NET v4.5 ” .

23. 20 GENIO Installation Manual O pen the URL . Figur e 15 - Reporting Services H omepage Step 4 T ry to creat e a test folder to confirm that you ha ve the correct permissions.

24. 21 GENIO Installation Manual 6 GENIO Setup It is recommended t o run the GENIO install er as a n administrato r . 6.1 Checking Requirements The "Genio Requirements" window, which will appear before installation, will show if any other software is needed to install GENIO. If any of the required software is not found , details will be given on how to install it. Note: Nothing will prevent you from proceedi ng with the installation, even if require d software is not installed .

26. 23 GENIO Installation Manual management, function management, stored procedure and insert management, updates and record deletion. 6.3 Installation D eta i ls The future projects folder cannot be set as the same folder where GENIO will be installed. Upon uninstalling GENIO, all files and folders will be removed, except for the configuration file which indicat es where the defin ition s are and the licensing file . These files will remain in the software installation folder.

21. 18 GENIO Installation Manual Step 2 In the same list (see step 1) confirm that the service is running. If not, right - click on the service and click p roperties. Figur e 11 - Example SQL Server service list In the Service tab change Start Mode to Automatic . Figur e 12 – Service propert ies tab

8. 5 GENIO Installation Manual 2 Visual Studio Setup GENIO produces fully readable source code and project files which can be used in many IDE's depending on the technologies used for development. B uilding MVC applications requires Microsoft Visual Studio (VS). For educational and testing purposes the Community Edition is available at the following address: - you - downloading - visual - studio/?sku=Community&rel=16 2.1 ASP.NET MVC After opening the VS setup program, select the "ASP.NET and web development" option and in the extra options, ensure that the "ASP.NET MVC 4" option is checked. After selecting the options shown in the image above proceed with the installation.

15. 12 GENIO Installation Manual In "Server Configuration", in the Collation tab check that Collation is set to "SQL_Latin1_General_CI_AI". If not using this configuration, you must ensure that the c ase - s ensitive and a ccent - s ensitive options are cleared. This setting makes it easy to search for data because data entry is subject to many accentuation errors. Figur e 2 – Server Configuration Figur e 3 – Collation Configuration SQL_Latin1_General_CI_AI Verificar Collation

17. 14 GENIO Installation Manual 5.1.2 Enabling Named Pipes and TCP/IP In order to ensure an optimized and flexible connection between the system and the database, protocol bindings should be enabled. In SQL Configuration Manager (example path: Start menu > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (or other version designation) > Configuration Tools - > SQL Server C onfiguration Manager) select the SQL Server instance and choose Enable d . Fig ur e 6 – Named Pipes and TCP/IP Configuration Then select the SQL Server instance and choose Restart .

20. 17 GENIO Installation Manual 5.3 Reporting Services Configuration ( Only Requir ed for Systems with Reporting Services) Reporting Services is a SQL Server helper service that lets you view system reports. However, they must be configured in order for them to work in the application : Step 1 Install the “ Reporting Services ” service on the server where the reports will be produced . You can confirm the installation in SQL Server Configuration Manager (example path: Start menu > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (or other version designation) > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager). If installed it should be listed as SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQ LSERVER). Figur e 10 – Example of SQL service list

4. 1 GENIO Installation Manual 1 Instal ling Required Components The following steps are for installing the software components required by GENIO i n Microsoft Windows. 1.1 Windows Desktop (ex. Windows 10) 1.1.1 .NET 3.5 , 4.5 and 4. 8 The component s should be installed by going to “Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off” and making the selec tions shown in the image s below.

18. 15 GENIO Installation Manual 5.2 File s tream Check ( In C ase of an E rror ) If FILESTREAM related issues occur in the first system run, check the settings. In SQL Server Configuration Manager (example path: Start menu > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (or other version designation) > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager) select the SQL Server instance and choose p roperties. Figur e 7 – SQL Server Configuration Manager In the FILESTREAM tab confirm that all options are selected. Figur e 8 – Filestream Configuration

16. 13 GENIO Installation Manual In the next step select Mixed Mode so that third - party SQL applications can access the databases created therein. The pass word here is based on the default user "sa" . This is only for configuration and installation , not for normal use . Figur e 4 – Mixed Mode Configuration In the “ FILESTREAM ” tab of this form, select the technolog ies to be used for document recording. Figur e 5 – Successful I nstallation C onfirmation Mixed Mode

10. 7 GENIO Installation Manual Quidgest solutions require the .NET Framework 3.0 , 4.5 and 4.8 . If the message in the image appears, please make sure you have .NET 4.5 successfully configured. If you need to run the .NET Framework Repair Tool , it is avai l ab l e here : ht tps:// - us/download/details.aspx?id=30135 If necessary , also check Microsoft ’s guide for troubleshoot ing : learn/get - started/whats - new - in - iis - 8/iis - 80 - using - aspnet - 35 - and - aspnet - 45

12. 9 GENIO Installation Manual 4.2.4 Installation Type Quidgest systems can be installed in : − Client machines - only for customers with solutions using native Windows applications . − − Server machines - to run on servers where Quidges t solutions are installed . − − For this installation we will select both options ( “Client” and “Server” ) . − 4.2.5 Client and Server options There are 4 options below to select from : − Other : − R equirements for all platforms such as Microsoft Report Viewer − Backoffice – Windows Applications − MVC – web applications that use MVC technology − Web – other web applications − − We will select the "Backoffice" and "MVC" options, since they are used by our solutions .

9. 6 GENIO Installation Manual 3 Node.js The GENIO generated web administration solu tion (WebAdmin) needs Node.js to compile the project. It can be d ownloaded at Note : After installation it is mandatory to restart the computer . 3.1 Vue CLI Installation of package Vue CLI 4.1.1 or higher that is requ ired for compilation of client - side code. This is recommended to be installed globally and installation is by Command Line that must be open with administrator permissions. The installation command : npm install – g @v ue/cli 4 Quidgest Setup Th is installation program developed by Quidgest in stall s some dependencies necessary to run our applications. The installation program can be downloaded at Setups_3.0. 6 .zip 4.1 Requirements B efore beginning installation : − You must have admin istrator privileges (local or network) . − All app lication s in Windows must be closed . 4.2 Step s 4.2.1 Local Directory All installation files must be copied to a local directory. U ser s must not make any changes to setup files or to the installation folder structure. 4.2.2 Installation Program Run the file “QuidSetups.exe”.

3. GENIO Installation Manual 5.1 I NITIAL SETUP ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 11 5.1.1 I NSTALLATION 11 5.1.2 E NABLING N AMED P IPES AND TCP/IP 14 5.2 F ILESTREAM C HECK (I N C ASE OF AN E RROR ) ................................ ................................ ..................... 15 5.3 R EPORTING S ERVICES C ONFIGURATION (O NLY R EQUIRED FOR S YSTEMS WITH R EPORTING S ER VICES ) ............. 17 6 GENIO SETUP ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 21 6.1 C HECKING R EQUIREMENTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 21 6.2 DBMS A CCESS C ONFIGURATION AND P RIVILEGES ................................ ................................ .............. 22 6.3 I NSTALLATION D ETAILS ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 23 7 INTERNET INFORMATION SERVICE (IIS) ................................ ................................ ................... 24 CONTACT FOR INFORMAT ION ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 25

2. GENIO Installation Manual Contents 1 INSTALLING REQUIRED COMPONENTS ................................ ................................ ...................... 1 1.1 W INDOWS D ESKTOP ( EX . W INDOWS 10) ................................ ................................ .......................... 1 1.1.1 .NET 3.5, 4.5 AND 4.8 1 1.1.2 I NTERNET I NFORMATION S ERVICES (IIS) 2 1.2 W INDOWS S ERVER ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 3 1.2.1 .NET 3.5, 4.5 AND 4.8 3 1.2.2 I NTERNET I NFORMATION S ERVICES (IIS) 4 2 VISUAL STUDIO SETUP ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 5 2.1 ASP.NET MVC ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 5 3 NODE.JS ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 6 3.1 V UE CLI ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 6 4 QUIDGEST SETUP ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 6 4.1 R EQUIREMENTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 6 4.2 S TEPS ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 6 4.2.1 L OCAL D IRECTORY 6 4.2.2 I NSTALLATION P ROGRAM 6 4.2.3 I NSTALLATION M ODE 8 4.2.4 I NST ALLATION T YPE 9 4.2.5 C LIENT AND S ERVER OPTIONS 9 4.2.6 S ETUP C OMPLETE ! 10 5 SQL SERVER ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 11


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