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In order to get Jenkins to generate the solution for a client, first it's needed to have a Server with Jenkins installed, updated and configured with the following Plugins and Tools:
1. Credentials
2. Credentials Binding
4. Log parser plugin
5. MSBuild plugin
6. Pipeline
1. Pipeline API
2. Pipeline basic steps
3. Pipeline build step
4. Pipeline declarative
5. Pipeline groovy
6. Pipeline job
7. Pipeline nodes and processes
8. Pipeline REST api
9. Pipeline SCM step
10. Pipeline stage tags metadata
11. Pipeline stage view
12. Pipeline step api
13. Pipeline supporting api
14. Pipeline Utility Steps
7. Powershell
8. Blue ocean (optional)
1. 7Zip
2. Nuget package manager executable
3. VSbuild Tools (Visual Studio recommended)
Then, Jenkins needs to have a Job configured with a pipeline script that will have the instructions that build the solution. In order to achieve this, Genio can be used to automatically generate the pipeline script and to create a Job with the associated pipeline script (menu Generation->Generate Jenkins) and selecting the client:
After the pipeline script being generated, the project needs to be configured with the Jenkins instance. This can be done in the form available at Management-> "Continuous Integration":
Login and token as set in Jenkins Server (People->Configuration) , for the specified user with the right privileges:
Last phase in Genio/Jenkins integration will be the Job Configuration for the client needed:
and then "Update Jobs":
This will create a Jenkins job with the pipeline script configured to generate versions for the client. Example:
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Asked: 20/8/2019 下午2:12 |
Seen: 1701 times |
Last updated: 26/9/2019 下午5:03 |