
This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of the Genio platform.
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João Ferro
On 22/8/2019 上午9:25

Hello António,

Genio can only be executed on Windows. The best you can do is to use virtual machines or something like Wine if you really need.

However, we are currently working on GenioWeb. This will remove the need to install Genio, and has the major advantage of being able to work in every machine that has a browser.


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Thank you João.

"However, we are currently working on GenioWeb."

I'm glad to know that, since using a virtual machine can be costly. Is there a scheduled release date for GenioWeb?

António M.
on 5/9/2019 上午10:22

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6 follower(s)


Asked: 19/7/2019 下午5:33
Seen: 2019 times
Last updated: 26/9/2019 下午5:03