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Sonia Fernandes
On 31/7/2023 下午5:22

Hello Marco, 

To enable button functionality, it's essential to implement the JSON response through the CONTROLLER_ROUTINE_BODY. This ensures that the desired actions are properly executed when interacting with the button.

NOTE: both CONTROLLER_ROUTINE_BODY and CONTROLLER_ROUTINE refer to the same function. The only distinction lies in their tags: with CONTROLLER_ROUTINE_BODY, you can modify the function body, while with the other tag, you have the flexibility to alter both the function header and its body.

Following this step, you can use the DONE_ROUTINE tag to implement the functionality wherever needed.

Obs: In the example above, the tab component calls "sdv".

I hope this information helps you!

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Asked: 26/7/2023 下午1:56
Seen: 726 times
Last updated: 1/8/2023 上午8:21