New Feature: Collaboration mode

Genio 284.01

The new collaboration mode allows the end-users of Genio built systems to make practical suggestions inside the application.

How to activate new mode

Odoo • Image and Text


As shown in the picture, the Collaboration mode will be activated by default.

To turn it off go to Generation->Settings->Client->Settings

How to use

Odoo • Image and Text

Near the profile, you will have a new icon for suggestions.

When you click on it, it will enter the Collaboration mode.

Odoo • Image and Text

In this mode, there is an icon for each field, that allows you to give a suggestion on that field.
Outside a form, you can currently give a generic suggestion of that screen.

Odoo • Image and Text

You can suggest a New field Label or enter the Help text that would be more fitting for that field.

 Odoo • Image and Text
On the right side of the screen, when in Collaboration mode, you will see these 3 options:
1st - View all the suggestions made by the current user on this form.
2nd - Make an open suggestion about this form
3rd - Exit collaboration mode.

Suggestions Management

The data is saved in a file on the temp folder. The following data is kept for each suggestion:

- Location

- User

- User Language

- Suggestion date and time

There is a folder for each version of the system. Users can only view suggestion made on the current version.

Roadmap for Collaboration Mode

- Interface to view all suggestions made

- Accept suggestions and integrate them in Genio

- Automatically pull suggestion from client-server.