
This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of the Genio platform.
Share your questions and challenges, and help your partners!


A tag is a label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question. (Hover the mouse to follow/unfollow tag(s))

1     API
1     ActiveDirectory
2     Alerts
1     Altwins
2     Areas
1     Backoffice
1     CodeGeneration
2     Color
6     DB
2     DBSchema
1     Dashboard
2     Documents
14     Error
1     Export
11     Fields
2     Filestream
9     FormEditor
1     Formeditor
22     Forms
9     Formula
1     Forum
3     Function
7     Generation
39     Genio
1     GoogleMaps
1     Help
1     History
5     Image
7     Installation
1     Interface
1     LDAP
3     Language
5     Layout
21     Learning
1     Limits
15     List
8     Login
18     MVC
8     ManualCode
6     Maps
2     Menu
4     Menus
1     Order
2     PHE
1     PK
2     Parameter
1     Platform
2     Project
1     Publish
6     RelationalModel
2     Relations
2     ReportingServices
3     Reports
1     Ribbon
1     RibbonBar
5     SQL
4     SVN
1     Search
1     Security
1     SeeMore
2     Server
1     ServerManager
14     Table
8     TableList
3     Tables
3     Tabs
1     Translation
4     TreeTable
2     Usability
1     WebAdmin
2     WebServices
2     authentication
3     configuration
1     customcontrol
3     default
1     icon
1     leaft
1     modules
1     modulo
1     newuser
1     node
1     npm
1     publicportal
2     registration
3     showwhen
1     stamp
1     static
1     url
1     vue

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About the Community

This platform is for beginners and experts willing to share their Genio knowledge. It's not a forum to discuss ideas, but a knowledge base of questions and their answers. Read Guidelines