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Carlos Nogueira
Ligar 28/10/19, 09:16


Genio can generate automatically WebServices to "Export" information that is managed and mantained by Genio to other applications (WS/WCF).

Meanwhile what you're trying to achieve is to consume information from other system. This will have to be processed within a manual routine (so the application know what kind of connection to be done, reference, method, data structure, etc...) This process can be easier if you replicate on Genio's side the struture that will be consumed, so you can use Genio automated framework (CSGenioArea) to grant all the business rules on your side when saving the imported data.

Álvaro Damas
Ligar 23/10/19, 11:36

To create Web Service access to a Genio project, you may want to create a new application within the project and set the platform to WCF V1. In this module you define, for example, a menu list with the required columns in Web Service, [Person.NUIT], [Person.Name] and [Person.ID] , and create a minimum Support Form with the same fields used in the list. Check the solution and documentation generated in the new application folder later.

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11 follower(s)


Asked: 17/10/19, 16:59
Seen: 1860 times
Last updated: 28/10/19, 09:16