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Rodrigo Serafim
Ligar 28/08/19, 14:35

That is difficult to answer without more details. As a rule of thumb the difficulty of re-targeting an old solution to new technologies is directly proportional to the number of manual routines used by that project.

If you have zero manual routines and you made full use of Genio standard expressions that effort can be virtually zero.

If that is not the case then each platform specific thing will need to be re-evaluated and in most cases re-developed. A few things that cause these kinds of efforts:

  • Manual routines. C++ API's are different from C# API's, furthermore Web apps need a set of Javascript + C# + Html + Css code to work. It will depends on the manual routine.

  • Functions. Its highly recommended for User defined functions to be declared in the Genio Function definition pattern rather than the usual EXTROT EXTDEF manual routine style used in C++. Functions will force your arguments and result to follow Genio understood standards and better manage your multi-platform implementations.

  • Forms. Web UI design is usually different than Desktop UI design. Although not necessary it may be desired to rework your forms and duplicate them into web versions if you are interested in maintaining both Desktop and Web targets active.

  • Flash controls. Most modern web browsers prohibit the use of Flash technology. If you make use of these you will need to plan their substitution by Html based controls.

  • Areas and Domains. The way the web framework was build required a much more strict enforcement of a well developed relational model. Often situations that allowed referential integrity violations could be forced by the developer to work in the windows target. The web target will be far less forgiving... which is a good thing.

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Asked: 27/08/19, 10:45
Seen: 1335 times
Last updated: 26/09/19, 17:03