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Date writing condition
How can i set a writing condition to accept only dates to this day
This condition does not accept at first apply, only on the second apply.
"Validate on Apply" is available for MVC systems, this condition ("on apply") will be ran like this:
When you enter a form (main one, lets say Person), you'll fill its fields normally.
Then also you want to fill a dependent list (lets take Children, for example).
This validation is ran when you "leave" the main form, by entering another one.
In this case, if you select to insert one record for the dependent list (i.e: adding one child for the person), if the writing condition with "Apply" is evaluated false, it won't let you do it.
Is your example not respecting this?
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Asked: 14/10/19, 07:36 |
Seen: 1586 times |
Last updated: 16/10/19, 09:15 |