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Rodrigo Serafim
Ligar 23/08/19, 16:07

Genio itself is currently translated in English and Portuguese.

Genio generated systems have out-of-the-box translations of the framework texts for the following languages:

  • Portuguese

  • Tetum

  • French

  • Catalan

  • Spanish

  • English

  • Chinese

  • Danish

  • German

  • Polish

  • Arabic

Though some of them may have only automatically translated texts with some lower quality phrases.

This only encompasses hard-coded errors, titles and help texts that are generated with for a target framework. The business specific texts need to be translated by the developer himself and set in the Genio definitions of their project (Utilities > Translation > Texts).

Adding new languages to Genio is relatively easy, at least from the technical point of view. You only need to supply translations for the new language in the file StringsHarcoded.xml available in the Genio root installation directory. Then in the same directory edit the file called ActiveLanguages.map and set the properties of that language.

This should be enough to make the new language available for use in the client definitions properties for primary and secondary languages.

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Asked: 22/08/19, 07:33
Seen: 1422 times
Last updated: 03/10/19, 11:40