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Import Users and Passwords
Can i import users and their passwords instead creat it all in webadmin?
I ask this question because i need to create 14.000 users for an aplication and it is humaly impossible. There is a possible to do it on an excel, and them import to de aplication?
Hello, currently, WebAdmin only has an export feature, not import, which means the only way to add new users is to insert them manually unfortunately. Despite this, you could maybe look into developing some kind of script to insert the records in the database.
EDIT: Despite not having this feature on the user interface, there is a WebService that allows user management. Check the CreateUserWithPassAndLevels() method.
I'm very sorry for my ignorance, looks like I was mistaken on the answer I gave. There is a WebService with multiple methods for user management on the project.
I think the method CreateUserWithPassAndLevels() is what you are looking for.
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Asked: 16/08/2022 13:59 |
Seen: 838 times |
Last updated: 16/08/2022 14:31 |
Thank you!