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On 8/3/23, 9:06 AM

Hello, thank you for helping.

So I'm trying to follow the steps but after I restore the database and open Genio it automatically show me this:

Before I even have the choice to Create a new project and if I press "No" Genio is closed automatically.

If I press "Yes" it show me this:

If I press "No" Genio is closed automatically.
If I press "Yes" Genio create the project folder automatically.

When I try to generate the code it show me this:

And this is the errlog:

DATA=03/08/2023 HORA=09:50:03 MODULE=GEN DB=GENQPI0 CLIENT=GEN NETUSER=marco_f8gyq8y@DESKTOP-GII1VPO LOGIN=adminlocal LEVEL=99 PID=32416 FUNÇÃO=CGenioTabelaBase::OpenRSet

Erro ao abrir a tabela Tmem.

Communication link failure

DATA=03/08/2023 HORA=09:50:03 MODULE=GEN DB=GENQPI0 CLIENT=GEN NETUSER=marco_f8gyq8y@DESKTOP-GII1VPO LOGIN=adminlocal LEVEL=99 PID=32416 FUNÇÃO=CGenioDialog::WindowProc

Excepção de baixo nível perdida no form CGenioFNOVOPROG.

Microsoft C++ Exception exception generated at 0x76CE84F2.

Microsoft C++ Exception

QPI em 8/3/2023 10:04:32 AM
info: Reading relational model...
exception: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Double' to type 'System.Boolean'.
   at GenGenio.Data.TabelaModul..ctor(IDefinitionList dlist)
   at GenGenio.Modulo.LerModulos(IGenioDefinitionLoader gdl)
   at GenGenio.Genio.get_Modulos()
   at GenGenio.Genio.CalcularIndexes(Boolean recalc)
   at GenCmd.GenCmd.GenerateIndices(IndexesOptions options)
   at GenCmd.GenCmd.<>c.<Main>b__2_1(IndexesOptions opts)
   at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.MapResult[T1,T2,T3,T4,TResult](ParserResult`1 result, Func`2 parsedFunc1, Func`2 parsedFunc2, Func`2 parsedFunc3, Func`2 parsedFunc4, Func`2 notParsedFunc)
   at GenCmd.GenCmd.Main(String[] args)

Sonia Fernandes
On 8/2/23, 9:47 AM


  1. Once you have completed the database updates, please ensure that you also restore both databases on the new computer.

  2. After the restoration, kindly search the USERLOGIN table within the database. Verify if the user login of the new computer is present. In case you are unsure of the username, you can easily find it in the Genio IDE. For example, the username in the next figure is "sonia.fernandes."

In case your user login is not found in the database, please use the following query to insert the required user login and user authorization details (please remember to modify the username accordingly):

-- Variable declarations
DECLARE @name varchar(max) = 'example' 
-- Inserting the user login
INSERT INTO USERLOGIN (codpsw, nome, password, zzstate)
VALUES (newid(), @nome,
(SELECT CAST('' AS XML).value('xs:base64Binary(sql:variable("@password"))', 'varchar(max)')),
-- Inserting the user authorization
VALUES(newid(), (SELECT codpsw FROM USERLOGIN WHERE nome = @name), 'GEN', 'GEN', '99',0)

3. The next action is to create a new project in Genio with the same name. During this process, please be cautious and make sure to decline the database updation. When prompted for database updation, ensure to select "NO".

Obs: By choosing "NO" to the database updation, you'll prevent any unintended changes to the existing databases and proceed with the new project without affecting the data.

Once you have successfully created the new project in Genio, the application will close automatically. You should then reopen Genio to proceed with your project. Upon reopening, you will find the project you created earlier listed in the projects list.

NOTE: Please be aware that the second time you open the project, you need to respond with "YES" to both the project updation and the indexation prompts. This will ensure that any necessary updates and indexing processes are carried out to keep the project synchronized and up-to-date.

4. If you have a "GenCopy_QUIDGEST" folder available, you can go ahead and paste it into the new project folder. This folder likely contains important files needed for your project.

However, if you don't have a "GenCopy_QUIDGEST" folder, there's no need to worry about the old project folder. It won't be necessary for the current project setup.

Regarding the client database (the one with the project name), you can now reference it in the webadmin once it's been generated. The webadmin will allow you to access and manage the client database, ensuring that it's ready for use with the new project.

Remember, if you encounter any issues or have any questions during this process, don't hesitate to seek assistance or clarification.

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Asked: 7/27/23, 8:07 AM
Seen: 965 times
Last updated: 8/3/23, 9:06 AM