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Human key access
Is it possible to access the human key of the table in the function '<form>_Edit_Redirect' in '<form>_FormController'?
If so how can I get that value?
Here is an example of the possible code:
var evenp = CSGenioAevenp.search(UserContext.Current.PersistentSupport, "KEY_VALUE_TO_SEARCH", UserContext.Current.User);
// HumanKeyName => contains list of human key fields of the table. ex: desginac,layrname
string humanKeyInfo = evenp.Information.HumanKeyName; //string humanKeyFields = CSGenioAevenp.GetInformation().HumanKeyName;
string [] humanKeyFields = humanKeyInfo.Split(',');
// var evenp = new CSGenioAevenp(UserContext.Current.User); evenp.QPrimaryKey = "KEY_VALUE_TO_SEARCH"; evenp.getFields(humanKeyFields, UserContext.Current.PersistentSupport); // <= alternative to select form DB just human key fields values
foreach (var humanKeyField in humanKeyFields)
/* result += */ evenp.returnValueField("evenp." + humanKeyField);
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Asked: 7/3/20, 1:57 PM |
Seen: 1846 times |
Last updated: 8/22/20, 3:40 PM |