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How to assign a value/effort rate
I'm trying to create a Workload Management tool for a department that deals with tender analysis. I'm looking for a way to assign a value that depicts the time and/or workload that is associated with that assignation. Is there a way to do that?
Tender 1: Deadline in 3 weeks ; requests demo of solution offered ; asks for a solution that Quidgest partially has (9/10);
Tender 2: Deadline in 4 weeks ; no demo needed ; Quidgest already has that solution built (3/10).
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14 follower(s)
Asked: 11/22/19, 10:30 AM |
Seen: 1621 times |
Last updated: 4/1/22, 3:05 PM |
I don't think anyone can answer this question but yourself. The way you described the problem that is just two fields that you provide to the user (manager) to fill for each tender. One for a deadline date and another number to assign a workload.
Could you update your question to explain what exactly are you trying to do in Genio (not in your business case) that you are having trouble with?