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Converting Dates and Times
I've been trying to convert a date and a time field to string because I need to concatenate them with another string.
However, I've not found any formulas that allow me to do so, at least directly. I've also tried to turn them into numeric (and then from numeric to string), but had no success.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
There's no formula that directly does that, since date formatting and conversion has a lot of variants (language, precision, order, etc) but you can compose the string as you like. Example:
NumericToString(Year([TABLE->FIELD]),4) + "/" +
NumericToString(Month([TABLE->FIELD]),2) + "/" +
Adjust this to your requirements.
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Asked: 10/2/19, 8:51 AM |
Seen: 1934 times |
Last updated: 10/15/19, 10:31 AM |