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Annexing specific types of documents
I want to use the pattern "Document on BD" but block a specific type of file, in this case, .word files.
Is this possible through Genio?
There is a specific MANWIN tag in Genio to configure the documents to be uploaded. The tag to use is DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_CONFIG.
Content example:
string options = "{ maxFileSize: 100000000, acceptFileTypes: /(\\.|\\/)(gif|jpe?g|png|docx?|xlsx?|xml|xltm|xlsm|xlt|pptx?|ods|csv|infopathxml|xps|txt|pdf|zip|rar|7z|msg|dot)$/i }";
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19 follower(s)
Asked: 6/30/20, 9:02 AM |
Seen: 1538 times |
Last updated: 8/22/20, 3:40 PM |
Thanks a lot!