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Restrict Form Editing to a User
How can I restrict the editing of a form?
The form can be accessed by many users but when someone is editing it no one else can enter that form until it's saved by the other user.
That is correct. When a record is created, it is exclusive to the user who created it, as the data and the record are not available to anyone until it is Recorded (it is as if it were only in the memory of the PC of the user who just created the record). How can a user access something that has not yet been placed in the database. !?
That doesn't exist in Genio. Each person can access the registry in competition mode, never in exclusivity mode.
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Asked: 2/8/22, 10:33 AM |
Seen: 1473 times |
Last updated: 2/8/22, 2:25 PM |
Maybe I wasn't explicit in what I wrote. I mean, the record is already created and it can be accessed by many users, what can I do to restrict that access to one user at a time?