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what version of genio do you have? because in mine it doesn't appear
Good afternoon I installed the latest version of genio and now the projects do not open, what can I do?
Nádia (Oceanxbox)
There is a new type of control that can be applied to text fields on a form. See below for more information.
QR code
The QR code control type for text fields converts the value of the field into a QR code representation. Since the output of this convertion is an image, the resulting field will not be possible to edit (even when the form is in edit mode).
In order to edit the value of the field in the same form where it is displayed as a QR code, we recommend using two database fields: one "original" and one that is a replica of it. Then, add the original to the form using an empty control type, and add the replica using a QR code control type. Changes to the "original" text field are automatically applied to the QR code representation as well.
If the value of the field is not empty, the QR code representation is displayed. For example, for result of converting the string "Hello, World!" follows:
If the field is otherwise empty, the default image for empty values is displayed:

what version of genio do you have? because in mine it doesn't appear
Nádia (Oceanxbox)
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44 follower(s)
Asked: 1/4/22, 10:29 AM |
Seen: 1553 times |
Last updated: 1/5/22, 9:58 AM |
You need a Genio version after October 2021. Please check QuidNet for new versions.