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How to implement sum of currency fields in Genio-MCV lists?
I need to know the total money in a list, without having to export to excel and calculate there.
I nkow that this is not yet implemented for MVC, only in Backoffice.
But In lists with multiple selection, this sum the number of selected records but not the values corresponding to these records.
Where can I find the template where list with multiple selection are implemented, so I can add the function to sum monetary values
The mechanism that sums up all the numeric columns in the multiple selection lists is prepared to sum the monetary columns. This seems to be the problem in configuring the numbers and currency.
In the browser console (open while on the site) please confirm if the result of "quidgestGlobals.numberFormat" corresponds to reality.
The numerical and monetary separators, configured in WebAdmin / Configuracoes.xml. The currency symbol is in the client configuration on the Genio.
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Asked: 8/4/20, 3:11 PM |
Seen: 1686 times |
Last updated: 8/22/20, 3:39 PM |