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How does genio construct the reindex script?
Are all arithmetic calculated with the script? Why do some fields need for you to save the record on the system?
And the order of the calculation is defined by the relations of the tables formulas? Do last values count in this ordering? And also do the different formulas from the areas influence this setting?
I'll try to answer all your questions, but in a simple way, hope it helps:
Reindex scripts, no matter the final DB type (SQL, ORACLE, etc), are Genio generated with information based on the project definitions (tables, fields, relations).
There will be one script file with the information on formulas to be run (usually on WebAdmin) per type of operation. You can see all of them and what they do on the reindex subfolder of your WebAdmin solution.
In that folder there is a file "order2Exec.xml" that has the information about the order that will run all that are needed, according to the selections available on the WebAdmin application site. This orderings will follow pre-determined rules by Quidgest, that will grant the formulas dependencies (+, ++, U1, CT, SR, etc...). You can check it to get all your answers cleared.
I'm not sure what you mean by your second question where it states that some fields need to be saved on the system. The only ones that i can remember now are the default values, yes, those need to be ran in the solution, because that's the way records should enter the database (in normal conditions).
Different areas in DB are all just one table (each domain), and the formula that will run on the reindex scripts should be compatible no matter the area that runs it. This is to prevent that the results are not ambiguous to the same field.
This means that the result of the formula on area A must produce same result if it would ran through area B (or no formula at all will grant that the desired result will not be overwritten with some other value).
Recent Genio versions have this analysis on the "Validations" button:
That will alert you that you where it might be formulas for the same DB field that are possibly breaking the rule.
About the second question let me give you an example:
I changed the formula to an arithmetic like in the picture below but when I reindex the Database even with complete option or Reset calculated fields my field is still NULL - only after changing/saving each record it changes.
Yes they star as null? Do I have to put "not null" in order to force the calculation?
If any field of that formula is null when the formula runs, it cannot compute correctly. Thats why within the application it works because the fields will have a "default" value.
It has been a while but I still have doubts on this subject.
The thing is that even if I transform all fields in empty, when I reindex it doesn't calculate the field.
Only when I open the specific form it does calculate. Can you help me to force the calculation
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Asked: 9/23/19, 6:45 PM |
Seen: 2050 times |
Last updated: 1/28/20, 2:17 PM |
Is there any chance that one of those fields is null when reindex is being done?